The Prophets' Story / پێغهمبهرلارن حکایەتی
Country: Iraq
Language: Turkmani / Turkmen / TUK
People Group: Turkman / Turkmen
The Holy Books and Scriptures tell us many...
Animated Visual Arts (10)
A production of Clarion Creative:
Language: Malvi
People Group: Malvi
Countries: India
To download this video, please click on t...
The Prophets' Story / داستان پیامبران
Country: Iran
Language: Qashqai / Ghashghai / QXQ
People Group: Qashqai
The Holy Books and Scriptures tell us many stories, but on...
The Prophets' Story / Taariika Annabaa ɓe ɓen
Country: Senegal
Language: Pulaar Fulfulde / Fulakunda / Fula Cunda / FUC
People Group: Pulaar
The Holy Books and Scriptur...
The Prophets' Story / داستان پیامبران
Country: Iran
Language: Northern Luri /Lori / LRC
People Group: Northern Luri
The Holy Books and Scriptures tell us many stories, ...
A production of Clarion Creative:
Language: Khandeshi
People Group: Khandeshi
Countries: India
To download this video, please cl...
The Prophets' Story / قصة الانبياء
Country: Sudan
Language: Sudanese Arabic / Guhayna / APD
People Group: Sudanese Arabs
The Holy Books and Scriptures tell us many stor...
The Prophets' Story / Awal n rabbi d lanbiya
Country: Morocco/Algeria
Language: Shilha Central / Tamazight / TZM
People Group: Shilha Central / Tamazight
The Holy Books...
The Prophets' Story / قیصه انبیا
Country: Afghanistan
Language: Hazara / HAZ
People Group: Hazara
The Holy Books and Scriptures tell us many stories, but one story weav...
The Prophets' Story / Habaaru Anabiijo
Country: Benin / Nigeria
Language: Borgu Fulfulde / FUE
People Group: Borgu Fulfulde
The Holy Books and Scriptures tell us many s...