Prophet Jesus Christ’s Name (Episode 1) – Bahasa Indonesian Animated Film

People Group: Indonesian
Language: Bahasa Indonesian
Country: Indonesia

Category: Mini-Film/Social Media

Every parent would have good intentions when giving a name to his child. Budiman for example – parents who give this name to their children, hope someday the child becomes a good person, and likes to help others. Not infrequently there are parents who change the name of their son, because the health of the child is often disturbed since a baby. Some tribes in Indonesia still believe this myth.
Setiap orang tua tentu mempunyai maksud baik ketika memberi nama bagi anaknya. Budiman misalnya, orang tua yang memberi nama ini pada anaknya, berharap kelak si anak menjadi orang yang baik, dan suka menolong sesama. Tidak jarang ada orang tua yang mengganti nama anaknya, karena kesehatan si anak sering terganggu sejak masih bayi. Beberapa suku di Indonesia masih mempercayai mitos ini.

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