How do the Prophets help us know the straight path? Allah's way and the hidden symbolism in the prophets' stories.
Countries: Jordan, Syria, Palestine
Produced by: Create I...
Sacrifice 10
Did Isa die? The truth about Isa's power over death and Allah's way to forgive our sin and shame.
Countries: Jordan, Syria, Palestine
Produced by: Create International
What is written about Isa? Prophet Yahya's mysterious words about Isa.
Countries: Jordan, Syria, Palestine
Produced by: Create International
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Does Allah have a way to forgive us? Prophet Musa and Allah's law of sacrifice to clean our hearts from sin and shame.
Countries: Jordan, Syria, Palestine
Produced by: Crea...
Does Allah want to protect us? Prophet Musa and Allah's way of protection and deliverance for His people.
Countries: Jordan, Syria, Palestine
Produced by: Create Internationa...
Can Allah redeem us? Prophet Ibrahim and Allah's sacrifice of redemption to save Ibrahim's son.
Countries: Jordan, Syria, Palestine
Produced by: Create International
Does Allah want to save us? Prophet Nuh and Allah's way of salvation and mercy.
Countries: Jordan, Syria, Palestine
Produced by: Create International
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What does Allah do with our shame? Adam and Hawa, Allah's way of mercy, and His secret promise.
Countries: Jordan, Syria, Palestine
Produced by: Create International
.كيف يمكن للأنبياء أن يساعدوننا في معرفة الصراط المستقيم؟ طريق الله و الرموز المخفية في قصص الأنبياء
Countries: Jordan, Syria, Palestine
Produced by: Create International
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.هل مات سيدنا عيسى عليه السلام؟ الحقيقة وراء سلطان سيدنا عيسى على الموت و طريق الله سبحانه و تعالى لمغفرة ذنوبنا و خزينا
Countries: Jordan, Syria, Palestine
Produced by: Create I...