Fruitful Practices
Fruitful Practices are activities and behaviours which multiple church planters have discovered are effective at producing the spiritual fruit of new believers, healthy discipleship communities and reproducing fellowships of believers.
This course is based on the realities of experience of hundreds of field workers, and on the foundation of scripture.

Four Fields of Kingdom Growth
What was Jesus’ Strategy for reaching people? He used 4 Fields/5 Parts:
- 1: Entry – Empty Field
- 2: Gospel – Seeded Field
- 3: Discipleship – Sprouted Field
- 4: Church – Harvested Field
- 5: Leadership Development

Using Social Media to Identify Persons of Peace
Their Media-to-DMM introductory course features modules on Media, Collaboration, and Disciple Making Movements.

Mission Media U Courses
Mission Media U offers the following courses:
Foundations of Media to Movements, and Strategic Storytelling for Movements.

Zúme Training
Zúme Training is an on-line and in-life learning experience designed for small groups who follow Jesus to learn how to obey His Great Commission and make disciples who multiply.

Disciple Makers Increase
Are you busy, but not seeing lasting fruit? Are you dissatisfied with your present level of impact? Are you frustrated by traditional methods of discipleship that don’t seem effective? Then this program is exactly what you need to move forward.

Train & Multiply
Train & Multiply is a method of training potential church planters using biblical principles. This combines with evangelism, leadership development, and discipleship in order to multiply healthy churches.